Hi, my name is Candice Kelley. I like men. I like sex. Occasionally I like women. I am unapologetic about all of it.
Sex is fun and feels good. I like talking about it, writing about it, hearing about it, having it, and watching others have it.
Jack & I have been happily married for 20+ years. We’ve always had a great sex life. We are willing to explore and share fantasies with each other. For years we talked about me having sex with another man. Then we decided to make fantasy a reality. We entered the lifestyle. The lifestyle offers so many options and so much fun! And that quickly led to exploring being a hotwife.
So, what can you expect here at HotwifeCandice? Honesty about being a hotwife and being in the lifestyle. When we started this journey there was so little information on the internet, and that is still true. Sure, I could find some stories about being a hotwife and a swinger. Or those who talked about being experienced. But I couldn’t find anything about how to start, what to expect (especially the first time), what to wear, how to be safe, or much of anything else. All I could find was how great it is once you’re in it. I wanted to know more. I wanted to know the stuff people weren’t telling. So I decided I would make a place for all the information I wanted, but couldn’t find.
I will share our experiences in the lifestyle, good and not so good. I will offer tips and advice about being a hotwife, about being in the lifestyle, talking to your partner about desires and fantasies, boundaries and guidelines. I will provide honest reviews of sex toys, lube, and places we’ve been. Additionally, I wanted a place to share stories I’ve written. I started writing stories for Jack, and then a couple of my stories got published in a magazine and on a website. Some are true, some are not, but I hope others think what I’ve written is hot and sexy.
I’d like this little blog to grow into a place for others to share their stories about sex too – but the reality is I don’t have time to grow this website now. Hopefully one day. If you want to send us a story and have it on the website (with credit given to you for writing it and providing it), send us an email.
And finally, I love getting comments and emails! I welcome comments on my posts, but comments are moderated. You can email me and Jack with comments, suggestions, and questions at Candice@hotwifecandice.com.
Welcome to our adventure!