First Time Hotwife – The Day Of

First Time Hotwife

The Day Of


Setting the Date

I wanted to put off setting a date for our first time hotwife adventure, but Jack encouraged me not to.  Jack added me to the text messages with Bradley so I could read what they were talking about and text too.  After talking to Jack I sent Bradley a message asking if he was free over the weekend and let him know we were thinking about getting a local hotel room.  He offered to host us at his house.  Jack and I talked it over, and while I think I’d prefer a hotel, I agreed with Jack we might be more comfortable in the relaxed atmosphere of Bradley’s house the first time.  We all agreed to get together at his house on Saturday.

Talking Things Out

During the week that nervous feeling came back.  I told Jack I was scared and didn’t want to do it.  We talked it out and I admitted I would never not be nervous the first time.  All the unknowns seemed so big and overwhelming it made me feel a little sick to my stomach.  I wanted to move forward, but I also just wanted the first time to be over so the anxiety would go away.  I am not a fan of the unknown.  I find comfort in schedules and lists and knowing what to expect.  The first time being a hotwife is none of those things.  I was very honest with Jack that part of my anxiety was doing something that would make him feel excluded, like he was not part of whatever was happening.  It would break my heart if I ever made him feel that way.  He assured me he would not feel that way unless it was intentional.  If there was an issue we would talk about it and find a way to make things better going forward.

Honest Minute – Communication

It was not easy to admit my fears to Jack, but it was necessary.  I tell him what I’m thinking, feeling, concerned about, desire, everything.  And he tells me.  The open honest communication we have is a huge comfort.  I know there is nothing we cannot say to each other, no matter how sensitive or uncomfortable it may be.  We take care to explain what we mean with our words, to truly listen, and to be kind to each other.  Without the foundation of trust, love, and communication we have built, none of this would be possible.

Day Of

Saturday morning the first thing I thought when I opened my eyes was I’m going to have sex with someone not Jack today.  I’d had sex with other men before, but not in a hotwife scenario.  It made me nervous, but I also felt excited anticipation.

In the afternoon I told Jack I felt a little pressured about the evening.  He reassured me there is never pressure or expectation.  I said I think Bradley had an expectation.  Jack agreed that was probably true, but still no pressure to do anything I did not want to do.  If I felt we did not click, or didn’t like what was happening, I could put a stop to the evening at any time.  Knowing that is different than hearing it and I needed to hear it.  Jack reminded me I’m in control.  I can move things along if I want or slow things down if it’s too much too fast.  We are both aware we have to consider the wants of Bradley, but expressing what we want is important too.  Everyone involved should be okay with what is happening.  There is no script for being a hotwife.  Not knowing what to expect, except sex of course, can be anxiety inducing.  But while I was thinking about things I could see myself taking control of the situation.  I could see myself guiding things along.  Back in the days before Jack, I usually took the lead in sexual interactions.  I just needed to find the old me who was confident and had a desire to make things happen instead of being along for the journey.  This could be an amazing fun night.

Self Pampering

Knowing I need a little self pampering before a night of sex, I wanted to start getting ready early.  Mid-afternoon I told Jack it was time for me to start my getting ready ritual.  Jack says knowing I have a ritual to get ready for sex with someone else turns him on.  I disagreed it was for someone else.  In my mind it was more getting ready for him.  I wanted to look good for him.  Jack said no, it’s preparation for sex, which includes him, but doesn’t start with him.  Jack is right.  Wanting to look good for him was part of it, but I was preparing myself for someone else.  The effort I put into getting ready also makes me feel good about myself.  Nothing is sexier than confidence.  When I put effort into my appearance I feel more confident and sexy.

Physical and Mental Preparation

Physical preparation is only part of it.  I like to clear my mind and relax mentally as well as physically.  I painted my nails, took a long hot bubble bath, listened to music that makes me feel good, and just focused on me.  The hot water and soft scent from the bubbles help me relax.  I’m usually in the bath for close to an hour before I get out and start getting ready.  It’s time to relax and think about how much fun the night could be, how my body will feel, what I want to do with the other man, and then the reconnecting with Jack.

What To Wear

For once I didn’t stress about what to wear.  Wanting a classy, but sexy look I had tried on a couple of outfits the day before.  I settled on a white button down shirt that shows a bit of cleavage with a new black skirt that stopped mid-thigh.  Jack bought me new lace panties to wear that matched my favorite black bra.    I always like the way my tits look in that bra.  I finished the outfit with black sandals and looked in the mirror.  It was exactly what I was going for.  I felt good and I looked good.  I was ready.  And I was looking forward to the night.

A Piece of Advice

Pack a bag to take with you.  I intended to take something more comfortable to wear afterwards, but I forgot.  Because I’m picky about what I drink I did take my alcohol of choice.  I also packed condoms (don’t rely on the man, be prepared!), my favorite lube, a hair brush, ibuprofen, and my wallet.  A bottle of water for the drive home would have been a nice addition, but since we live close I didn’t take any.  Take a bag with anything you want or think you might need.  It’s never a bad thing to be prepared.

What happened at Bradley’s house and afterwards is here.


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