Sex with Limitations and Disabilities

Sex with Limitations and Disabilities

If the questions is can I, the answer is yes!

Many people ask if they can be a swinger or a hotwife if they have a disability or limitation.  The answer is yes!  Sex with limitations and disabilities is absolutely possible.  These things do not automatically prevent someone from having sex or being sexy.  One of the great things about the lifestyle is how inclusive it is.  Everyone is welcome.  No matter your size, shape, color, physical limitation, or anything else, you are welcome to participate in sexual adventures.


I have an autoimmune issue that sometimes causes extreme joint pain.  There are days I can barely move.  Sadly, those days mean playing is not an option.   Thankfully those days are rare though.  But even on my best day I have some joint discomfort.  What does this have to do with being a hotwife and swinger?  Positions!

sexy silhouetteSome positions cause too much stress on my joints and I simply cannot do it.  The main one is legs up.  So many men like to raise a woman’s legs straight up during sex, or one leg up.  That is a no for me.  My hips cannot do that for more than about 30 seconds.  The pain in my hips takes away all the enjoyment of the moment.  Obviously it is not a move Jack does since he knows my limitations.  Other men don’t know, so some try it.  I simply say I don’t like that position and we move on to something different.

Personally I do not disclose any limitations up front.  It is easier to just say I don’t like a position, shift to something else, and everyone involved enjoys what we’re doing.  No awkward talks, no taking away from the fun, and everyone wins.

Limitations and Disabilities

Not all limitations are visible, but some are.  I know a man in the lifestyle who has a bad leg.  Does it stop him from having fun?  Nope!  He always has a good time at the clubs.  Actually, I’ve never seen him not play.  And from what I’ve seen he is quite the performer!

The wife of one couple I know is in a wheelchair.  That absolutely does not stop them from playing.  People have asked her if she is able to play.  Her answer is always yes, and more than willing.  That breaks the ice and they move towards the fun then.

Truly it does not matter what limitations or disabilities someone has.  If they are able to and want to play, they can.  There is something and someone for everyone in the lifestyle.

Diseases and Other Health Issues

If you have a disease, infection, or any thing that is contagious please tell your potential play partners!  Everyone has the right and responsibility to take care of their own health.  Everyone has the right to make informed decisions about their own health risks.

If you can infect someone they have a right to know.   Disclosing does not mean you will be excluded.  I know people who play with others who have sexually transmittable infections/diseases.  They made the decision to play as safe as possible and accept the risk involved.  Not sharing that information is taking away someone’s choice and that is never okay.

If you are not contagious what you disclose is up to you.  Go ahead and tell your partner if you want to.  If not, that’s fine too.  In this case, no one has a right to know. 

It’s Not About the Limitations

No matter what limitation or disability someone has it truly does not exclude them from playing.  What people find sexy varies from person to person and can be a whole mixture of things.  Attraction is often more than physical, but based on some sort of connection, like personality.  That means a limitation or disability does not stop sexual adventures!  

Sometimes sexual adventures do not include “traditional sex”.  Remember a massage can be super sexy.  Kissing, touching, oral sex, and just watching are all fun too.  A little planning or creativity may be needed depending on what is going on for each person, but that does not mean you cannot have fun.  Sex with limitations and disabilities is very possible.  The focus is not on the limitation, but on what you can do and enjoy.  The lifestyle is about sexual adventures, so go explore!


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